Volume 12 is a special issue on discursive identities in historical English texts. The volume is guest-edited by Christina Samson University of Florence.
Discursive Identities in Historical English Texts
Christina Samson University of Florence and Birte Bös University of Duisburg-Essen Introduction full text
Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti University of Florence The construction of women’s Quaker identity. A case study: Margaret Fell full text
Christina Samson University of Florence Discovering colonial India: The construal of discursive social identities in women’s travel writings full text
Polina Shvanyukova University of Udine Constructing a Socially Acceptable Female Identity: The Case of Nineteenth-century Advice Manuals for Women full text
Elisabetta Cecconi University of Florence From “British Subjects” to “American People”: Transformation of National Identities in a Corpus of American Newspapers (1764-1783) full text
Isabella Martini University of Florence A denial of identity. The Armenian Genocide in the Letters to the Editor of The Times 1914-1926 full text
Roberta Facchinetti University of Verona The building of English language identity through dictionaries and grammar books: two case studies full text
Marina Dossena University of Bergamo From The Magnificent Seven to The Hateful Eight: Labels, Lyrics and (Group) Identity Construction in Western Movie Songs full text
Letizia Vezzosi University of Florence Pronouns in Dickinson’s poetry as a means of constructing a poetic self full text
Francesca Ditifeci University of Florence & Ilde E. D. Kantzas University of Milan Lost Identity in the Bible full text